Please find attached to this email details of the 2024 VBRA Knox Branch Incorporated Annual General Meeting.
This is a compulsory meeting for all members of the VBRA Knox Branch Incorporated and is being held in the SBC function room located near C4 at the State Basketball Centre, Wantirna South.
Please be advised of the meeting timing:
2:00pm – 2:30pm Sign in & Annual Exam – This will be critical to establishing a quorum
2:30pm – 3:45pm Annual General Meeting
In the attached Notice to Members, you will also find a nomination form for those who are interested in joining or remaining on the VBRA Knox Branch Incorporated Committee for 2025. Nomination of any financial member for any of the positions can be made by a financial proposer and a financial seconder with the approval of the nominee. All nominations must be in writing on the form provided below and be emailed to the Secretary by 11:59PM on Sunday 2nd of February 2025 (No nominations can be accepted after this date in accordance with Rule 9b and Rule 9c).
All nominees are asked to read the VBRA Knox Branch Incorporated Constitution, VBRA Knox Branch Incorporated By-Laws and familiarise themselves with the requirements of being an Office Holder of an Incorporated Association as set out by Consumer Affairs Victoria.
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me.
Brooke Kennedy
VBRA Knox Branch Incorporated
VBRA Knox programs and major events
VBRA Knox Branch strives to offer its members, those involved at Knox Basketball and the wider community positive experiences through a variety of additional activities executed both on and off the court.

Annual Development Camp

Fundraising and community programs

Unique On court opportunities
Yearly development camp, open to all members, provides a great chance to build relationships with fellow referees of all levels and also receive learning in a unique camp environment.
VBRA Knox organises many programs such as our Pink round for fundraising for breast cancer research and fundraising programs such as sausage sizzles and chocolate drives to help fund our functions and ongoing activities.
Refereeing at Knox allows for on court learning and experiences in practice such as 3 person officiating, referee coaching and a pathway for referee progression.
History of the Branch
Established in 1978, VBRA Knox has a long and extensive story of involvement in the establishment of and progression of Knox Basketball.
Founding members and important members of the branch throughout its history are recognised to this day at VBRA Knox, with honorary awards named after Bev Agombar, Alice & Fred Jago and Tony Hawke. Many of the other members, instrumental to the branches history are also recognised with Life membership and with recognition at our 40th Anniversary Branch dinner, held in April 2018.
Further details regarding Branch milestones and records can be found in the About Us section.